
GulFood 2020 – Dubai – 25th edition

GulFood 2020 Dubai

The 25th edition of the most important event in the world for the food & beverage sector has officially begun, GulFood, at the Dubai World Trade Center, opens its doors to 193 countries representing all continents, with an influx of visitors expected equal to 90 thousand per day.

For the 25th anniversary, guests of excellence such as world-famous chefs, government officials and industry leaders are expected.

A significant opportunity for sector operators to enter the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) market, for which one of the essential requirements is to have Halal certification, once again this year WHA – World Halal Authority will be present at GulFood representing the value of Made in Italy in the Halal market.

GulFood  appointment is useful to deepen with companies the ethical and quality values that the Halal market represents for consumers.

To request further information, do not hesitate to contact us.

WHA – World Halal Authority is the only Halal certification body, an international leader based in Italy and with the highest number of accreditations and awards in the world, some of which are exclusive, which can guarantee the validity of the certificate worldwide.


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