
The food license proposed by USB: an opportunity for ethical and qualitative change for all Italians

On Tuesday 16 June, the USB trade unionist Aboubakar Soumahoro symbolically chained himself under Villa Pamphilj, in Rome, the place chosen by the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte for the meeting of the General States of the economy, which in addition to the government also involve trade unions, associations of category and other international institutions.

After eight hours of garrison, Soumahoro was received by the Premier in the company of the Labor and Economy Ministers, Catalfo and Gualtieri.

The meeting, which was short-lived, allowed the trade unionist to submit three specific requests to the government: a national emergency work plan, to “protect all those who risk losing their jobs due to this pandemic”, a reform of the agricultural sector , “With the adoption of a food license, to allow people an ethically healthy food”, and a strong modification of migration policies, to “regularize all the invisible ones”.

As a body that makes high quality and ethical standards its reason, WHA believes that the issue has a series of extremely important social implications, on which it is worth raising awareness among citizens regardless of ideological alignment.

This is a theme that goes beyond any political party, a theme that has strong interests for both right and left forces; on this subject there are needs linked to all types of battles, the recognition of rights, security, the fight against poverty, the mafia, the desire to restore legality and restore dignity to people.

WHA considers this perspective, making the interest of the whole society without any limit of political position, above the parties, as an objective of great value, in line with its principles.

The ethical discourse

Today we are so immersed in this mentality of political supporters, that we forget to look at what happens with humanity and compassion, and sometimes even with the minimum of intelligence it takes to understand what the most effective solutions can really be.

These considerations are of a practical, not ideological nature, every citizen should understand this, and realize that the impact of certain events in his personal life is much stronger than what he tends to see.

What would be the benefits for citizens?

Surely all those already mentioned, starting with the fight against tax evasion, a problem that is always hot in Italian territory and that affects the public finances, therefore something par excellence that affects everyone’s pockets; after which, it is obvious to point out how an increase in revenue given by the regularization of these individuals, trapped in the underground economy, consequently leads to a reduction in the turnover of organized crime.

Furthermore, certain political measures sometimes also bring with them answers to market needs: in recent years we have witnessed an increase in consumer interest in organic products, for example, a sign that the need for quality guarantees on food and the related supply chain of production is acquiring more and more importance for people, although the lack of culture in this regard makes their orientation still not very aware, and therefore scarcely incisive.

Is this interest more than just a fashion phenomenon?

The growth of this and other similar fashions, as well as fair trade, is a very strong signal that manifests itself within the market, and can affect politics more than one thinks: even if still in an immature and not very aware, these trends reflect a search for better quality standards in the products they consume and in the related supply chains, also on an ethical level, and this is a virtuous circle that any political class, regardless of the alignment, should encourage and support for the growth of own country.

The primary need for legality, a subject of vital importance for all Italians, can in fact be met with this process; what one must understand is that to demand strict compliance with the rules, people must also be able to do so.

It is therefore a gain for the state and the entire community if, from being an illegal worker, often and unwillingly clandestine, every single laborer is transformed into a human resource made in order and taxed.

We must be realistic, and consider that the lack of manpower in certain sectors is a concrete problem, we cannot pretend that it does not exist. Just as it must be recognized that no Italian citizen would accept a job in which his rights are not protected, which is why it is a priority to ensure compliance with the law in respect of that job position, of that occupation, regardless of who might hold it.

And since Italy likes to consider itself a civilized, advanced and modern country, it is not possible to ignore the abuses, slavery and immorality where it occurs on its territory. This problem affects everyone in different ways, migrants and residents, weakening the nation and wearing down the economy.

But what does Halal have to do with this discourse?

Halal is a criterion that is expressed on the conduct of people: it is therefore a relevant concept on an ethical level, and can be used quite simply as a tool to discern what is respectful of certain moral values ​​and what is not.

Searching for the certified Halal is synonymous with the search for high quality and ethical standards, and you have a guarantee not only of compliance with all the rules necessary to testify the genuineness and healthiness of a product, but also of the correctness, fairness and legality of all the production phases and the elements that compose them, including human resources.

For WHA, a world-wide accredited Halal Certification Authority, the idea of ​​a food license, with the proposed characteristics, is a winning idea for Italy, for its economy, it is in line with the ethical standards of Certification Halal of WHA that the organization promotes, and its wish is that the current political class has the courage and foresight to realize it, to be a step forward in the recovery and improvement of society and market conditions.


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