WHA is a Halal certification body committed to conducting its activities with transparency and confidentiality, basing its work on key values such as impartiality, independence and total absence of discrimination at every stage of the certification processes.
Our mission at WHA is to ensure the accurate compliance of products, services and processes with the Halal requirements defined by the relevant international standards.
We at WHA, with the aim of strengthening our commitment, make this dedicated section available to our customers and all interested parties, which details our company policy in order to provide clarity and insights into our certification practices.

WHA Quality Policy

WHA attribuisce grande importanza alla fornitura di prodotti e servizi che rispettino accuratamente i requisiti stabiliti dagli standard Halal internazionali rispetto ai quali è accreditata, nonché dagli enti di accreditamento e riconoscimento pertinenti.
L’rganizzazione adotta tutte le misure necessarie per assicurare il totale rispetto delle sue responsabilità in qualità di ente di certificazione Halal islamico accreditato a livello internazionale, impegnandosi a mantenere elevati standard in tutte le sue attività.
In virtù di questo impegno, WHA assicura che tutte le attività di certificazione Halal siano condotte nel rispetto dei principi morali, dei valori e degli insegnamenti dell’Islam. Ciò viene attuato attraverso l’impiego di personale competente sia dal punto di vista religioso sia da quello tecnico. Inoltre, le decisioni in merito alla certificazione sono prese in modo totalmente indipendente e imparziale dal Comitato di Certificazione.

WHA Impartiality Policy

Impartiality represents the fundamental pillar of our certification operations, a central principle to which the Top Management and the entire staff are dedicated to guarantee its integrity in all phases of the certification process.
WHA has implemented a detailed approach to assess and manage potential threats to impartiality and possible conflicts of interest that may arise during the execution of its activities. This process is based on an in-depth Risk Analysis, which is subject to periodic monitoring, review and updating. The Impartiality Committee is responsible for the overall evaluation of this management, as an independent Committee responsible for ensuring competence, transparency and impartiality in the
overall work of WHA.

WHA Non-Discrimination Policy

The policies and procedures adopted by WHA during its certification activities are designed to avoid any form of discrimination of a financial, economic or customer size nature, regardless of membership in professional, institutional or private association groups.
The services offered by WHA are accessible to all those who fall within the organization’s certification scope of certification and are committed to complying with the requirements of its schemes in compliance with the reference standards. In this context, the assessment requirements follow those established by WHA’s certification schemes, which are applied without discrimination to all applicant organizations. No differentiated procedures are adopted that could prevent or limit access to the certification.

WHA Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

All information regarding the certification activities of WHA and its clients is considered confidential, except as required by international standards and previously agreed through the written approval of the client, interested parties or WHA itself. The management of this information is carried out with the utmost confidentiality, which is guaranteed not only by the WHA scheme, but also by the contract stipulated with the customer.

WHA tariff Policy for Halal Certification

WHA's policy regarding tariff for Halal certification is based on clearly defined criteria, which are transparently communicated to applicants. These criteria include the category of products, the number of references and factories subject to certification, etc., ensuring a fair and non-discriminatory approach.

WHA Policy Regarding Applied Halal Certification Schemes

WHA is a pioneer among Halal certification organizations worldwide, having been among the first to introduce a general certification scheme in addition to its Halal quality industry schemes.
As a “Scheme Owner”, WHA is able to respond to the challenges and variety of schemes and standards on the market, allowing client companies to obtain certification that complies with the most prestigious international standards and to access all global markets.
At the start of the certification process, the company is given the scheme relevant to its sector, which contains the requirements that the company will have to meet in order to obtain Halal certification by WHA.

WHA Policy Regarding the Use of the Certificate and Its Halal Mark

The organization that successfully completes the certification process in accordance with the WHA schemes by obtaining the Halal certificate following the resolution of the Certification Committee, receives an authentic copy of the WHA Halal certificate and mark. This mark includes a unique identification code that can be used in accordance with the WHA’s schematics and the mark’s user manual, which details the specific requirements regarding the proper use of WHA’s Halal certificate and mark.

WHA Policy Regarding Verification of the Authenticity of the Halal Certificate

It is possible to request information on the validity or authenticity of a certification, or on the data relating to certified references bearing the WHA mark, by sending a copy of the certificate or product label. This request can be made through WHA’s website or by sending an email to info@wha-halal.org.

WHA Policy Regarding Suspension or Revocation of Halal Certificate

The Halal certification issued by WHA may be suspended or revoked in the event that the terms and conditions indicated in the reference schemes and specified in the certification contract are not complied with.

WHA’s Policy Regarding Information Made Available to the Public

Su richiesta, si possono fornire le seguenti informazioni:
a) Dettagli sul processo di certificazione, inclusi i criteri di valutazione (standard e schemi di riferimento) e le procedure adottate durante le fasi di delibera, rinnovo, estensione, sospensione e revoca della certificazione Halal;
b) Elenco dei clienti certificati, suddiviso per tipologia o elenco dei prodotti certificati Halal;
c) Descrizione dell’impegno sia da parte di WHA che dei richiedenti che intraprendono il processo di certificazione.


Per ulteriori informazioni, vi invitiamo a contattarci tramite il sito web o inviando una e-mail a (info@wha-halal.org) o chiamando al numero 0236587564.