
Modest fashion: the future of the fashion business.

The size of the global Islamic clothing market is expected to reach $ 88.35 billion by 2025, according to the new report from Grand View Research and confirms that modest fashion, until quite recently considered a niche market, today is the future of business in the fashion world.

The boost towards modest fashion, after all, has develop in a decisive way from the younger generations who, while respecting religious precepts, do not want to give up colourful clothing and cool details.

The important thing is to customize the look, but also to win many likes on Instagram.
The network plays a decisive role in the spread of the phenomenon.
Primarily in terms of communication: there are more than 2.8 million posts on Instagram with the hashtag #modestfashion.

In the footsteps of this growing popularity, platforms specialized in modest fashion are also growing: from Modanisa, founded in 2011, which has an offer of over 500 brands, to Verona collection, brands sold by Macy’s and on Asos.


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